“To whom it may concern,
Please accept this donation in memory of my treasured friend, GB. My visits to your wonderful facility gave me confidence that my friend received the love and quality care that she deserved. Thank you for your excellent care.”
-MB ~ January 2020
“Dear Care Givers,
It is with profound gratitude that I write on behalf of my family to thank you for your commitment and compassion over the last ten years in the care of my mother. Thanks to you and all your team, my mother was able to live out her final years under the best possible circumstances, develop meaningful friendships, and be active in the local faith community.
I would not hesitate to recommend your care and facilities to others seeking some dignity and peace of mind as they confront aging or illness.
Sincerely, “
-GS ~ February 2023
“Hello Bre,
I would like to thank you all for the beautiful card. Very thoughtful. I can’t express enough how grateful I am to you and your entire staff for the compassionate care you had given my Mom. I only wish it had been for a longer period of time. The kindness that you all gave to myself and my sister while we were there the last days of mom’s life was amazing. Take care everyone. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.”
-GA & SK ~ September 2022
“Good Morning,
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to you because my Aunt, RH was a resident at Ave Maria and has just passed away. My family and I would like to take this opportunity to make sure that you know just how outstanding your staff is at this facility. My Aunt has always been a very capable, strong willed, independent individual. However, she decided she wanted to go to an assisted living facility because her husband had recently passed away and she couldn’t live alone anymore. We live in the Swanton/Saint Albans area and hadn’t really considered Richford as an option, however we are all so very glad we did. My Aunt would tell us that all the staff and residents were very nice and that she got along with them all. We enjoyed every visit and all your staff are so friendly and the living area is so clean, that may seem like an odd compliment but it is hard to find! Your mother, Claire was pleasant to converse and meet with from the beginning and throughout. You both have been very pleasant and helpful as well. Terri and Chari are informative and helpful nurses with kind souls, something that is very much a requirement for their profession. While we haven’t met any staff at night, everyone during the day/evening has been everything we could hope for. Sue, Marlene, Linda, Joanne, Michelle(I know there are more) play integral roles in these folks’ lives and they perform their duties with the utmost dignity and they are a pleasure to interact with. My Aunt has taken care of my brother and I since we were just six weeks old so it was important to us that she was taken care of as well. We never had to worry about her since she moved to your facility. These last couple of weeks we are so thankful that my Aunt got her wish to go back and stay at Ave Maria while on hospice, as it became her home over the past year. You have a winning team there and you should be very proud of the work that you all provide for the folks that live at Our Lady of the Meadow as well as Ave Maria. We will miss going to visit and felt that it was important that all your work be recognized, the surrounding communities need more facilities like yours. We thank you and your staff from the bottom of our hearts and I know that Aunt R does too. God Bless you all.
Kindly, “
-CB, CW, TW ~ June 2021
“I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to you and your wonderful staff at Our Lady of the Meadow for taking such good care of our mother, B.C. We were very apprehensive to visit on Saturday just knowing how she was when we moved her there in early November. On Saturday, she was a totally different person – very happy, out of her room socializing, and even called Our Lady her ‘home’!! She seems to have adjusted very well and is in a much better place than where she was. Thank you very much and Merry Christmas to you, your family, and all the staff at Our Lady of the Meadows.”
-M&R C. and R. P.
“To all the staff who took such good care of my mother, your kindness will always be remembered. Also the kind words said to me to help me process what was happening and what to expect. I miss my mother very much and think of her every day. I am grateful for all you did for her and myself.”
The Doe Family and staff at Our Lady of the Meadows,
“Our sincere appreciation and gratitude goes out to all of you for the wonderful care you have given our mother, J, in the years of her residency, as well as at her passing. She would often mention how loved she felt as you all gave her hugs, kisses, and attention, and added “I guess they like me here!” She was happy to have her bird feeder by her window and how you took the time to fill them when she could no longer do it herself. And of course, her jigsaw puzzle table that you enabled her to have in the great room was such a special place for her. All those personal touches and many more too numerous to mention meant a lot to her and to us. We understand that this is also a loss to you “her Family” at Our Lady, as much as it is a loss for us. Surely, you will miss her stories, her quick wit, and her smile too. Thank you.”
-The Family of JN
Dear Loren, all Does and all care givers,
“First of all, I can’t thank you enough for the love and care given to my mother. When it seemed, there was no place for her to go you took her in, kept her fed and safe. Our Lady of the Meadows is truly a wonderful place. My thanks can’t be put adequately into words.”
To all the staff who care for BM,
“Writing to wish you all who give such wonderful care and love to my mom BM. You all have made this past year transition a lot easier emotionally. Thank you for your kind words concerning my mom and her entertaining personality. Many of you have brought me to tears with your wind words. Many times, leaving there with sadness over the life’s path mom has been dealt, you brighten my day. A huge thank you for the thoughtful gifts that were given to mom at the family Christmas party. It was a lot of fun!
God bless you all.”
-Karen Samson
“With sincere appreciation for your thoughtfulness. Words will never express the gratitude that I feel towards all of you for the care and respect shown to my dad, MB! Our family is forever grateful!”
- Jeff Byrne & Sue Millan
To all staff at Our Lady of the Meadows,
“Thank you for all the TLC that you all show my mom!”
-G&B R. ~ 3/14/19
“I am so happy to be here. You are all the greatest group of people I ever met. You are the kindest and found me the greatest room. I love it. I just love being near my Honey, R. (her husband) Thank you all so very much. You are wonderful and I love you.”
-A.& R. ~ 2/5/19
“With much gratitude to you and the Doe family for the care and blessings you bestowed on Mom and our family.”
- W.&J. and the M. family ~ 1/20/19
“To all the staff who took such good care of my mother, your kindness will always be remembered. Also the kind words said to me to help me process what was happening and what to expect. I miss my mother very much and think of her every day. I am grateful for all you did for her and myself.”
-K.F. ~ 7/15/18
“I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to you and your wonderful staff at Our Lady of the Meadow for taking such good care of our mother, B.C. We were very apprehensive to visit on Saturday just knowing how she was when we moved her there in early November. On Saturday, she was a totally different person – very happy, out of her room socializing, and even called Our Lady her ‘home’!! She seems to have adjusted very well and is in a much better place than where she was. Thank you very much and Merry Christmas to you, your family, and all the staff at Our Lady of the Meadows.”
-M&R C. and R. P.
“Our sincere appreciation and gratitude goes out to all of you for the wonderful care you have given our mother, J, in the years of her residency as well as at her passing. She would often mention how loved she felt as you all gave her hugs & kisses & attention and she added “I guess they like me here!” She was so happy to have her bird feeders by her window and how you took the time to fill them when she could no longer do it herself.
And of course the jigsaw puzzle table that you enabled her to have in the Great Room was such a special place for her. All of those personal touches and many more to numerous to mention meant a lot to her and us.
We understand that this is also a loss to you, “her family” at Our Lady, as much as it is a loss for us. Surely, you will miss her stories, her quick wit, and her smile too. Thank You. – October 2017”
“The family of WF wish to say thank you to everyone at Our Lady of the Meadows for their love and care of our mother for the last seven months. We are grateful for Claire and Hib for coming to visit her in Bakersfield and helping us in placing her here. Also to all the Doe’s for the many times we needed help with something about her room or finances. And special thanks to all the staff – nursing, caregivers, housekeeping and kitchen – we know you all had a part in her happiness here. Special thanks to Activities for encouraging her to take part. She was always particularly fond of music. We could not be more pleased with the love that was shown to her. And finally the ladies who were with Mom at her last – the words that come to mind are kindness and professional in how her death was dealt with. You have all been wonderful.”
-CP, DF, MB and our families – August 2017
“G and I want to thank all of you for the wonderful, caring care that all of you had for HC. She often said how loved she felt from everyone. We know she was in good hands and didn’t worry. Thank you again.”
-GC – July 2017
Dear Beautiful People at Our Lady of the Meadows,
"Thank you for all the love and compassionate care that our Mom “ our little MM” received from every one of you. We are so blessed. Mom is smiling down on each of us.”
-Love and Peace, LB - June 2017
“Thank you so much for taking care of my mother PR. She passed away on May 19, 2017. I miss her a lot, but I know she is happy where she is at. I am truly grateful for everything you guys have done for her.”
The Doe Family and the staff of St. Joseph’s,
“My sincere gratitude to each of you for the loving, caring and professional care you provided to my mother.
“Thank you so much for taking care of my mother. She passed away in May. I miss her a lot, but I know she is happy where she is at. I am truly grateful for everything you guys have done for her.”
To Our Lady of the Meadows Staff,
“Thank you so much for taking care of MM – She was such a nice lady. We have heard great reports of your facility.
Wishing you all well.”
“Thank you so much for the care you gave my mother the past 8 years. When I was looking for a facility for my parents, I found out about “Our Lady”, visited it and looked no further. I have never been disappointed.
The support I was given this last week was wonderful, and I was so impressed with the way my mother’s person and body was respected and honored as she approached death and after as well.
Thank you for the beautiful nightgown and blanket she was wearing. It meant so much!!!
Love you all.”
The Doe family and the Staff of St. Joseph’s Memory Care,
“My sincere gratitude to each of you for the loving and professional care you provided to my Mother.”
More Testimonials
Good Morning,
I wanted to send our thanks for taking care of our aunt, N.R., to the funeral of her husband and also for transporting her to see her husband while he was at the Respite House.
I must say that was amazing for the facility at Our Lady of the Meadows to assist the family in this most saddest time,
Again, I just wanted to express my appreciation. There needs to be more places like this.
Thank you again for the bottom of my heart.
To B. and entire staff,
We wanted all of you to know how grateful we are for the above and beyond care that you all have given our mother N.R.
It’s such a comfort to know that she is safe and getting excellent care and kindness.
We most definitely chose the very best memory care home.
Thank you,
B.Q and family
To the Doe family & Staff at Our Lady of the Meadows,
My brother and I wish to take this opportunity to thank you and your incredible staff for all that you did for our sister in the last six years that she lived in your care. Please find enclosed a copy of the eulogy that I wrote that expresses some of the deep feelings that my brother and I have as the result of knowing you all.
With deepest appreciation, TR
We are all so impressed with your homes. What a gift you are to Richford and to the people who reside with you. Sincerely, NV
October 2015
To the owners and staff at Our Lady of the Meadows,
My Mother, MW, was a resident for almost 2 years. Sadly she died in February of pneumonia and complications. Through her time at Our Lady of the Meadows, we were pleased with the wonderful warm care she received. We were so thankful she was there when she could no longer live at home – it gave her family peace of mind. She was a special lady.
Sincerely, HM January 2016
To the Staff,
We wish to express our deepest gratitude for the wonderful care you gave our Mother during her stay at your facility. She truly felt at home there and spoke often of how wonderful the girls were to her. A special thank you to SG who made us feel so welcome during Mom’s last days. We all felt your staff showed professionalism tempered with compassion which allowed us to rest easy while she resided with you. Again, thank you so very, very much from the depth of our hearts. From the family of EH.
February 2016
To St. Joe’s staff,
I want to thank everyone for the care that my mother received for the time that she was there. I felt she was in a place that she was well cared for and happy. The staff were all fantastic with her. She was safe and happy. Thank you all so much. I only wish she could go back there. Thank you, SL & JR
April 2016
Dear Christina and Steve,
You provided a place where Mom was welcomed, felt secure and happy and was well cared for. Thank you for what you do. Sincerely, B&L
March 2016
Hi Loren, Steve and all the family,
I deeply appreciate the wonderful place you have to care for our loved ones. I thank God every day for your special care!! Sincerely, CP
June 2016
You know I want to thank each and every one that took such good care of SB. She told me about a lot of things. She was so excited when she won the picture that the man painted. I hope you kept it. I know that’s the way she would of wanted it. She also mentioned the gentleman who came to the hospital for her when she had no other way of getting back. She liked to talk and told me nice things – all good. So… Thank you. June 2016
Just a little note to all the staff of Our Lady of the Meadows for the wonderful care of RP before and after his death. He is missed beyond words. We all loved him. You have such a beautiful place. I will always remember the great care he got from all.
SP & Family
Dear Doe Family and Staff,
I want to say a most grateful thanks to you all for the compassionate care my brother received for the year he was with you at “Our Lady”. Bruce has been a man of gentle courtesy, humor, and sense of fun in his earlier life. He has been a man of community, family, always willing to help and support – as a volunteer fireman, boy scout leader for decades, senior leader in Masonic circles for the State of Vermont.
I believe he knew he received loving care from kind and patient staff. Those behind the scenes, although not visible to me as Bruce’s visitor, obviously take pride in meeting “Our Lady’s” philosophy. Specifically, I think of the cleaning crew-excellent work all the time. And the cooks I met when I delivered 2 baskets of squash from Phineas Swan’s gardens – genuinely thankful as they prepared evening dinner in an organized and clean kitchen.
You all are on your toes all the time – and how appreciative I am. I could only manage the drive over the beautiful mountains 4 times during Bruce’s year but I left knowing he was in loving hands as he continues his journey.
With my sincere thanks.
Dear Loren, all Does and all Caregivers,
First of all I can’t thank you enough for the love and care given to my mother. When it seemed there was no place for her to go you took her in, kept her fed and safe. Our Lady is a truly wonderful place. My thanks can’t be adequately into words.
Victoria Z
Dear Claire and Family
We are so grateful to you and your wonderful caregivers at Our Lady of the Meadows for giving our Mom; Christine, such a loving home over the past two years. She was treated with enormous kindness and compassion by everyone there, and we know she loved you all. It was a great comfort to us every time we came to visit her to see her smiles and to witness all the wonderful comments and hugs she received from her caregivers. They are all truly exceptional people. We will always appreciate everything you and your staff have done for our Mom, you will always be on your hearts.
The Melkonian Family
Dear Claire,
Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything you did for Mom. Having you with us and praying with us as she died made all the difference to her and to us.
Your are extraordinarily blessed and you have channeled your blessings perfectly to help others.
Your magnificent standards and examples have passed on to your children and they have magnified them for hundreds of residents and their families.
Thank you to infinity.
Love, Sue
In Loving Memory of “Mo” To all the ones at Our Lady of the Meadows who loved my Mother so, a great big thanks to all of you for taking care of “Mo”.
I saw the love, I saw the care, your love poured out from everywhere. You are the best at what you do, and no one can compare.It touched my heart to see your love so willing to share.
I will not forget how you took care of me and never made me feel alone. You let me sit by her side as Jesus took her home.She’d want us to remember the good, and have hope for each new day, to lift our eyes to heaven and remember to always pray.
So with gratitude and thankfulness, a simple prayer to you, may God Bless the Staff at Our Lady of the Meadows in everything you do!
Melodie B
To everyone at Our Lady of the Meadows!
My deepest gratitude from myself and all the family for all your loving care and support for my Mother while she resided there. I hold in the highest regard your establishment and thank you for all you’ve done to make my Mother welcome, cared for, loved and so much, much more.
Dear Staff of Our Lady of the Meadows (OLM),
I am continually appreciative of the loving care you give to my Mom and to all the residents at OLM. Your sensitivity, caring, joy, love, sense of humor, listening and gentleness (to list a few of the attributes I see every time I come to see Mom) warm my heart. In honor of each and every one of you, Mom and I are contributing to your Employee Emergency Fund.
Dear Friends at Our Lady of the Meadows,
I want to thank each and every one of you for your tireless and loving care of my mother. She often told me of the kindnesses you had shown her. Some of you spent a few extra minutes to listen to her stories or arranged things – just the way she needed – or brought her something special from the kitchen. She would wonder at your loving care, unable to believe she was worth that extra care. You always showed her that she was! Thank God for all of you and may He protect you and Our Lady!
With Love,
You all became such an important part of my life, everyone at Our Lady of the Meadows, residents and staff. I am so grateful for the care that my mother and I received. In the most sensitive and difficult times, I always felt the grace of your love and care. Thank you, sincerely thank you for all that you do for the families and residents at Our Lady of the Meadows.
Carol E
I want the donation to go to Ave Maria where Uncle F. resided. Used for an activity fund or what ever is really needed there. The girls were wonderful to Uncle F. and did their job with a lot of patience, professionalism, love and caring.
I couldn’t have had him in a better place.